Monday, November 29, 2010

Blind Trust and doing what you are Told

All our lives we are told what to do by the "authority" in our lives.  It starts as a child.  Brush your teeth.  Wash your hands.  Use your lip balm so you don't get chapped lips.  As we get older,  young girls are encouraged by doctors to scrub their faces so you won't get acne.  Young women and girls are told to wear makeup to make your eyes pop and don't forget to wash it off before you go to bed with make up remover. Don't forget to use your moisturizer so you don't get wrinkles when you are 25!

Any of that sound familiar?  We do what we are told and go to stores like Walmart, Target, CVS, BJ's and Costco to buy our body care products.  The cheaper the better, trying to save a few dollars here and there.

Did you ever stop to look at the ingredients in the products you are buying?  Or maybe you did, but the list was too Long and cryptic with too many words you could not pronounce or did not understand.  You might have shrugged and said to yourself, well it is everywhere, advertised on TV in every one's homes and everyone is using it.  You think to yourself, if you think about it at all, well everyone uses this stuff so it can't be that bad.

The Terrifying news is that it not only is that bad and everyone is using it and it is making us all sick, if not right away, eventually. 

In the news everyday we hear the reports, rising rates of all kinds of cancer, but often followed by the message, but your life expectancy is longer now, who cares, you still are getting cancer!  Rising rates of autism and developmental problems and disabilities in children, more ADHD, ADD.  Young boys and girls are entering puberty at younger ages.  There is a rise in childhood allergies to foods, medicines and environmental agents.  More asthma in children, more cancer and disease in Young children.  There is a lot of scary data out there that is showing that there are a lot of products in our environment making our generation a lot sicker than the previous generations.

It is time to start looking at the labels and understanding what the ingredients mean. 

Did you know that the FDA in the US has NO regulations for body care products?  NONE.  Europe is starting to enforce regulations, but here none.  That means that any company can take a product and slap a label on it that says "organic" and "all natural", fill it up with toxic ingredients and sell it in a high end store for double the price and it is legal.

I cringe when I think of all the bubble baths, I gave my children and now looking at the ingredients, Fragrance was there on everything I was using on their skin and mine.  The toxins in these products are more toxic when applied to the skin than if ingested.

Here are some scary thoughts to think about.  The largest organ in the body is your skin.  Whatever you absorb on your skin gets absorbed into the largest organ in your body and goes straight to your bloodstream.

“For years scientists have struggled to explain the rising rates of some cancers and childhood brain disorders. Something about modern living has driven a steady rise in certain maladies, from breast and prostate cancer to autism and learning disabilities. One suspect is now drawing intense scrutiny: the prevalence in the environment of certain industrial chemicals at extremely low levels. A growing body of animal research suggests to some scientists that even minute traces of some chemicals, always assumed to be biologically insignificant, can affect such process and gene activation and brain development of newborns”
— Wall Street Journal, Peter Waldman
“Common Industrial Chemicals in Tiny Doses Raise Health Issue”

It is time to start paying attention to the products you are using in your home from face creams to shampoo, to make up and lip balms.  It may be cheap, but you are paying two fold in serious consequences.

Start looking at labels of body care products in your home, if they contain the following ingriedients, STOP USING THEM!!   PEGs, phthalates, parabens, SLS, 1,4 dioxane, fragrance

Visit this website and enter your products to find out how they rate on a scale of 0 being least toxic and 10 being most toxic.  I entered my Loreal Face cream and found that the expensive cream I had been using 2x a day is an 8.  I have a son with autism.

I have begun a journey to make myself and my family as healthy as possible from the inside out, examing our nutrition, our use of products in our home and on our body and I encourage you to do the same. 

I recently became a consultant for Ava Anderson.  Ava is a young woman who started a company dedicated to making body care products from all natural ingriedients that all rate a 0 on the toxic screening chart.  To learn more and to purchase these products please visit my website.

I have been using the moisturizer, lip balms, makeup and facial cleansers and and love them.  Shampoo and conditioner safe for the entire family was just released and I will be using them as well.

I hope you will join on this journey with me.


“The human race is now polluted with hundreds of industrial chemicals with little or no understanding of the consequences. Babies are born pre-polluted with as many as 300 industrial chemicals in their bodies when they enter the world. Testing by Environmental Working Group has identified 455 chemicals in people, and again, no one has any idea if these exposures are safe.”
Exposed, Mark Schapiro

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